To celebrate our 40th year in the community, we are spotlighting impact stories shared from past and present members. The fabulously energetic, Jamie Meyers, PWN Membership Committee Co-Chair shares her PWN story below.
“PWN was the first opportunity I had to truly engage with just women, in various roles, in the Cedar Rapids community.
Something about being around all these fascinating, inspiring, and motivating women, helped me to feel ok stepping “up to the plate” so to say and know I can hit the ball out of the park.
PWN carries an unspoken bond of leadership, community, giving, and purpose. I have come to know a few of the ladies and have been able to find them in a room full of strangers and know I can have a great conversation!
I did not know groups like this existed until my friend and mentor, Becky Helle, asked if I wanted to come with to a meeting. And before I knew it, I was the Co-Chair of Membership! The topics covered always have takeaways for every woman in attendance and always great food to boot!
I am thankful for the opportunity to sit down with these ladies each month and focus on bettering myself, or finding a place where I can be of assistance to someone else at our meetings.”
We are grateful to have a dynamic force like Jamie in our community. If you would like to share the love, email your story to Ann Roushar.