How To Drive Your Own Mindset For Success, Nicole Eales, PWN Board Member

Nicole EalesWe have all heard the phrase ‘You are what you eat.’ What’s fascinating is that this truth goes much deeper than food. The reality is that our lives are created and led by the choices we make, the people we surround ourselves with, and what we think about.

The wonderful world of science has been researching the human brain for years. Our brains have many electrical pathways called neural pathways. Any event or action in your life will create a pathway. Think of these pathways as RUTS in the road. Your tires will be drawn to follow the ruts in the road, right? Your mind is the same way. Once you create a pathway or rut in your brain, your thoughts will follow that path. Unfortunately, if you experienced trauma, something sad or something negative, then your mind will follow the same pattern. I know you can think of someone in your life right now that seems negative all the time. Or the friend that constantly has bad things happen to them. These are the ruts in action. What about your friend that always seems upbeat and the friend that seems to get lucky in life? These are the result of pathways created inside their brain that have shaped their lives.

Now let’s get to the good news. You can create your own narrative. What type of person do you want to be? What type of life do you want to lead? I don’t know about you, but back-to-school prep makes me think about fresh starts. It’s a time to re-evaluate my goals and create patterns in my life that align with who I want to be. What kind of ruts do I have and what ruts am I creating?

Taking ACTION is the way to create your new pathway. There is nothing “fake” about faking it until you make it. It’s time to decide who you want to be. Just start doing it and you’ll see that the world is your oyster.

CHEERS to my fellow women (and men) creating new neural pathways to achieve your goals and dreams.

PWN Presents: A Celebration of Women Helping Women

We are officially gearing up for our 2023 PWN Breakfast Celebration, which is taking place on Thursday, September 28th from 7:30 am – 9:30 am at the National Czech and Slovak Museum.

This annual event is to celebrate some incredible women in the community. The PWN Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit entity of Women Helping Women. Each year we provide monetary scholarships to local nontraditional students who plan to complete their undergraduate educations and we will acknowledge these amazing women during breakfast.

We are currently looking for sponsor partners who believe in women pursuing their education goals and would like to help us celebrate them!

This year we have not ONE but TWO amazing speakers! This dynamic duo is going to make the attendees feel uplifted and energized!

Sarah Cronk, and Sydney Reickhoff started their entrepreneurial dreams at the ages of 14 and 15!

Sarah is the founder of Generation Spirit, a national nonprofit dedicated to breaking down barriers between young people with and without disabilities. In addition to her work with Generation Spirit, Sarah is a nationally recognized writer and speaker whose work has been featured in People Magazine, on CNN, in the New York Times, and on the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Sydney is the 24-year-old CEO of Almost Famous Popcorn Company, a gourmet popcorn brand she co-founded at 14 years old. Almost Famous Popcorn is an Iowa-based company with a nationwide presence. Sydney is a graduate of Stanford University. She highlights her experiences as a young woman in business through a personal brand called The Popcorneur, with the aim of inspiring other women and young people to pursue their dreams.

If you would like to be a sponsor partner this year, please direct comments and questions to Ann Roushar.